Configuration Check Tool

A Configuration Check Tool by eEye Digital Security. Effective Security Starts with Strong Configuration Best Practices. CAn be used for scoring your servers and applications. Find more about the system vulnerability and act on it.

Effective security starts with strong configuration best practices. In fact, a healthy percentage of each year’s Microsoft Security Bulletins could be rendered moot if some basic configuration changes were made to systems.
Features of Configuration Check Tool
Straightforward but impactful configuration changes related to VLANs and IPSec, proxies, disabling WebDAV, and more
How hackers view outdated and unused features as their attack surface
Upgrading your Microsoft software as a security practice
Practical ways to protect against high-profile threats
The research also shows that in addition to upgrading and disabling WebDAV and Office converters, users should limit administrative privileges, put proxy servers to work, encrypt traffic on VLANs and IPsec, and deny access to Windows subsystems. Additional recommendations, most of which are easy fixes, are noted in the research, including how to protect against threats such as Stuxnet, Night Dragon and Aurora.

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