Google Drive Client for Linux

Inspired by Herpiko's blog post about Google Drive in Slackware64-Current, i decided to make a SlackBuild for grive, Google Drive Client for Linux. I have pushed it to my SlackHacks repository under grive and it's dependency, json-c.

Please note that grive will only sync stored files, not Google Docs Format, so if you converted your files when uploading to Google Drive, you won't be able to see them in your local directory.

Here's the instructions:
- Compile and install json-c and drive
- Create a directory which will hold your Google Drive documents (eg. ~/GDrive) and change to the directory
- run grive -a (run this once) and it will open up a browser which ask for your permission. It requires you to login to your Google account.
- Copy the authentication code back to your terminal and let grive start synchronizing your files

As for now, there is now realtime monitoring features, so you must run grive (without -a) everytime you want to sync with Google Drive.