Microsoft Dynamics NAV Client has stopped working..

Hi all,

some time we face issues when RTC Client Crashes. There can be multiple issues for the same. below is the screen shot for same.

The Event Viewer Details for the Error is -.NET Runtime 2.0 Error Reporting.
EventType clr20r3, P1 microsoft.dynamics.nav.client, P2, P3 4d030e65, P4 microsoft.dynamics.nav.client.ui, P5, P6 4d030e5c, P7 74e, P8 69, P9 k0r55xemoobpb22dbjzdn4p0sfjo3u25, P10 NIL.

Below is the error message for same.

Generally these issues comes due to issues in Role Center Pages in Navision 2009 and later. You can filter objects by using filter @*Role* in Pages. Below is the List of Pages in NAV 2009 SP1 IN Database.

Case 1 - When the values in cues is negative. Then due to having a negative value in integer field crashes the client. These tables can be found by filtering tables in NAV 2009 & later by @*cue*. Below is the List of Tables in NAV 2009 SP1 IN Database.

Most of the fields in these tables are flowfield, if by anycase the value comes to be Negative the RTC Client Crashes.

Case 2 - A wired cases i found out that Notes(a system part in RTC Pages) have not been supported in NAV 2009 R2 FI version. Every Role Center Page have generally this part.


How to find the cause of the crashing?

Start the Role Tailored Client and start debugger, by selecting the Debug the Program.

For Case 1 - When you start Debugging, it will break at a point where you will find an error as shown in screen below.

The error message says that Argument must be non-negative so it means that the cue of role center page that is loading have a negative value. You can go the tables list provided above, run them and check where its getting a negative value.

For Case 2 - When you start Debugging, it will break at a point where you will find an error as shown in screen below.

The error message says that Form My Notification Must Close so it means that the system is unable to load the Notes part of the page. You can design the page and delete the Notes Part from Role center pages.

The point where debugger stops shows the exact error.

Thanks & Regards,
Saurav Dhyani