Poll Results

The poll has been running for two months and it's time to announce the results. Two months ago i asked about the Slackware's main web site existence. Is it important for you (Slackware users) or not? Here are the results:

It's really important. It must be online all the time 84 (48%)
As long as the ChangeLog is updated, it's not that important for me 62 (35%)
I don't really visit the website so often 24 (13%)
Others (give your answer in the comments area) 3 (1%)
It seems that almost half of the voters said that it's important. Some others said that it doesn't matter since they can read the ChangeLog in any mirror sites. Nevertheless, the main website has been brought back and moved to a new server and hopefully we won't have those kind of problem in short time. Time to start a new poll which will be added shortly