SlackBuild Request: brainworkshop

Last night, i had a request from BlackPanda on IRC (in #slackware of course) to make a SlackBuild for Brainworkshop and tunesviewer packages. I agreed to it and this morning, i have just pushed a SlackBuild for Brainworkshop on my SlackHacks repository. I will try to build tunesviewer later on today if it's possible.

Just to give you a short introduction:
Brain Workshop is a free open-source version of the dual n-back brain training exercise. Brain Workshop implements dual n-back task, and enables you to improve your working memory and fluid intelligence.

The dual n-back task involves remembering a sequence of spoken letters and a sequence of positions of a square at the same time, and identifying when a letter or position matches the one that appeared n trials earlier. Brain Workshop can closely replicate the conditions of the original study. In addition, it also includes optional extended game modes such as Triple N-Back and Arithmetic N-Back. It also includes features such as statistics tracking, graphs and easy configurability.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that the dual n-back task also enhances focus and attention and may help improve the symptoms of ADHD/ADD.

The brainworkshop package depends on three packages:
- Python (which is already available on Slackware)
- avbin (for music support)
- OpenAL (for sound)