50+ Indian Railway Government Sites Hacked and Defaced By PakCyberPyrates

50 plus Indian Railway Gov Sites Hacked and Defaced By "Ainab" from  Pak Cyber Pyrates. This group is active in these days and hack some sites on daily basis. Todays PCP dedicated these hacks to protest against legal aspects of the Kashmir issue between Pakistan and Indian. This kind of attack can also be reasonable to small scale cyber wars between Pakistan and India. And also rise serous questions about the security.

The list of impacted sites was published on Pastebin today, but at press time, most of them still weren’t restored.

Deface page says:
" Govt. Of India Its Time To Tell the Truth To All Innocent Indian Peoples... They Don't The Truth Behind Your Illegal Occupation In Kashmir.. You Keep Them Blinded That Kashmir Is A Part Of Baharat But In Real Situation Is Different!!!

You Killed Many Innocent Kashmiris In The Name Of MUJAHIDDIN. Your Army Imprisoned & Killed Many Mens And Childrens Who Protest Against Brutatilty & Stood Up for The Freedom Of Kashmir. Raped Many Innocent Women For Their Desires & After All This You Think Kashmir Is A Part Of Baharat. We Don't Think So!!!

We Have Some Questions That Does It Bring Anything To You??? Did You Do The Same In Your So Called Country (BAHARAT MAATA / Gay Hind)??? Did Your Religion Give Permission For All The (SINS) You Are Doing In Kashmir???

Killing Innocent People Holding Stones In Their Hands And Are Not Harming You???

Every Nation or group of people / even a single human has a right to live his life with freedom..
Gack to the place where you have come from .. Take your Army Back...!!# "

Hacked Sites Info: Pastbin