Cute and Cuddly Zhu Zhu Pets: Hottest Toy of the Year

One of the Biggest Christmas Toys of the Year

Every year there is always a toy that will make the news as one of the hottest toys of the year and one that will have the biggest buys during the Christmas season, this year welcomes Zhu Zhu Pets. I will explain what Zhu Zhu Pets are and bring to light the scams to avoid in the consumer market during the Christmas shopping season.

Zhu Zhu Pets were first brought to my attention by my wife when we were deciding what to purchase my youngest daughter for Christmas. As we did our research and looked around we couldn't find Zhu Zhu Pets anywhere. We went to Wal-Mart, Toys-R-Us, and even looked online. We discovered that Zhu Zhu Pets are going to be the hottest toys this year and also discovered that there are a lot of people purchasing Zhu Zhu Pets in mass quantity to resell them before the Christmas season for extremely high dollar amounts. This almost reminded me of the TY Beanie Baby and Tickle-Me-Elmo pandemonium in the past.

What are Zhu Zhu Pets?

Zhu Zhu Pets are cuddly plush hamsters that are loaded with astounding artificial intelligence that actually have cute personalities of their own. There are currently four Zhu Zhu Pets on the market, each with their own symbol on their back. These exciting little hamsters come in four different colors (e.g. white (Chunk), grey (Numnums), brown (Squiggles), and yellow (Pipsqueak)) and even chatter, scatter, scoot, and scamper.

Chunk has the personality of an easy going cute little hamster that loves to surf. He loves to hang out and lay low until he sees the perfect opportunity to surf. When Chunk is ready to go on that surf watch out because he will be off and running to get his surf on. In addition, he is a surfing hamster that loves his hugs and love.

Numnums has an amazing nose for finding munchies at a far distance. Watch out when she smells a carrot or munchies she is off to the race. She will provide plenty of laughs and love for the whole family to enjoy.

Squiggles is a hamster that loves a good mission. His fussy hamster personality is one in which he acts as if he has been there and done it all. He loves to explore everything he can and loves to be petted and watched while he discovers, just don't call him cute.

Pipsqueak is the daredevil of them all. She is adorable and loves her hugs. She also loves to play, have fun, slide, and explore her habitat. She has her own curious little personality.

Don't worry the Zhu Zhu Pets themselves are very affordable. At Wal-Mart each Zhu Zhu Pet is going for $8.00 and at Toys-R-Us they are going for $9.99. Furthermore, they only take 2 AAA batteries to make them go. Good luck finding them though, because they are the hottest toy on the market.

Zhu Zhu Pet Accessories

What is a hamster without hamster toys? Yes, Zhu Zhu Pets have an assortment of accessories that can all be bought separately to provide more of a realistic habitat for a hamster. The accessories that can be bought for the Zhu Zhu Pets include: multiple extension fun house, hamster car and garage, hamster wheel and tunnel, hamster running ramp, hamster adventure ball, sleep dome with surf board, skate park u-turn with skateboard, snuggly bed, and hamster carriers. The best part is that most of these fun hamster activity accessories attach to create one awesome hamster fun house.

Almost all of these accessories look like the real thing. The hamster ball and the fun house accessories are identical to the real deal hamster hotel and hamster ball. You won't be able to tell the difference.

The best part all are the prices. The most expensive accessory is $21.99 at Toys-R-Us and the average cost of the accessories are between $10.99 and $15.99. If you were to purchase every accessory and all four Zhu Zhu pets you would be at a price range around $164.87. Yes, this is a little bit of money, but I want to remind you that this is all the accessories and all four Zhu Zhu Pets. This is important to know because my wife and I went out on e-bay and found that there are people selling sets for well over $300.00. In other words watch out for scams from those individuals that are out clearing the shelves of the hottest toy of the year to make money.

Zhu Zhu Pet Scams

As I have previously stated there are people clearing the shelves at Wal-Mart and Toys-R-Us in anticipation of making a lot of money on the hottest toy of the year by reselling them on sites like e-bay. My wife and I have been to these stores several times to buy Zhu Zhu Pets and each time there are none to be bought. So we looked online and were shocked with what we saw.

On e-bay my wife and I found several people selling Zhu Zhu Pets and accessories at incredibly high prices. For example, we found a six piece set of Zhu Zhu Pet accessories going for $140.00. The actual price if purchased in the store would cost you $91.94. In addition, there was an individual selling all four of the Zhu Zhu Pets for $81.00, which is $41.00 more than the store price. Worst yet, someone was selling all four Zhu Zhu Pets and all the accessories for $695.00 on e-bay. Remember what I said earlier, if bought in the store you would pay around $164.87.

Don't find yourself caught in these Christmas season scams, because there are people that have already been scammed. Every one of the examples I have shown you had bids on e-bay.