Cyber Criminals Target 2012 Olympics


As the London 2012 Olympics opening event draws near, Trend Micro Researchers have spotted some spammed messages using the 2012 Olympics as bait, one involved an email that says "winning notification", another message asks for personal details in exchange for a prize, and another that asks users to notify a specific contact person. Users who fall for any of these traps are at risk of having their information stolen or their machines infected with malware. Some spam may even lead to monetary loss.
Amit Nath, Country Manager - India and SAARC, Trend Micro, said, "Attackers are still using these because these scams are still giving them successful margins. Social engineering has worked for years and there are little signs of that changing. So long as users are still falling for this trap, scammers will continue to create new spam runs using events like the London Olympics to make a quick buck."
Trend Micro Researchers have also encountered several messages supposedly related to London Olympics 2012 that arrive with attachments disguised as "winning notifications" and contain the details of the prize. Curious users who download and open the attachments are actually executing malicious files. 

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