Etherwall - Network security tool that prevent MITM through ARP spoofing/poisoning attacks

Etherwall is a free and open source network security tool that prevents Man in The Middle (MITM) through ARP Spoofing/Poisoning attacks. It Also prevent it from various attacks such as Sniffing, Hijacking, Netcut, DHCP Spoofing, DNS Spoofing, WEB Spoofing, and others. 

Note: For personal computer use only

Features -
  • Daemon Processing
  • ARP Packet Filtering
  • Point to Point & Point to Multipoint Protection
  • Realtime Protection
  • System Logging
  • Early Warning
  • Support for networks Statically, Dynamically, or Both
  • Supports for Ethernet Wired & Wireless interface (IEEE 802.3 & IEEE 802.11)
  • Plugins / Tools
  • Included Man Pages
  • Easy to Use and Free
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Dependency - 
Etherwall needs dependency package, so you'll need:
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