Gone Phishing? Report to Facebook.

Facebook recently announced a brand-spanking new way for its users to report phishing scams directly to the company itself targeting all of its 995 million users.

Facebook's Security page claims that it is now opening its doorways to all the users of the social website and they can now report their 'phishing' concerns to Facebook without the need of explaining your reason for concern to the third-party in a language that they'd understand.

You can simply forward the phishing email (and your angst) to:


If you are uncertain of what 'phishing' refers to please click here. If you lust after suspense, adventure, thrills and spills then click here to understand how fake websites can hack your account and exploit your personal information through phishing.

According to Facebook;

"By providing Facebook with reports, we can investigate and request for browser blacklisting and site takedowns where appropriate. We will then work with our eCrime team to ensure we hold bad actors accountable. Additionally, in some cases, we'll be able to identify victims, and secure their accounts."

We would like to think that our followers wouldn't be fooled into clicking an unsolicited email or at least be able to recognize the fake from the real. If you still haven't learned the basics then please continue reading.

There are two ways to avoid being deceived and being stripped of your rights by of phishing scams:

1. Never give away your login or financial information. Legit companies do not ask you for that sort of stuff without a digital signature.
2. Do not click on links sent to you through emails, chats or as instant messages. If you do not trust the sender then we would suggest you to steer clear of the link.

Facebook states that their team would look into the alleged 'phishing' emails and the links would be taken down once proved guilty. They have gone as far as to claim that some of the affected users would get back their accounts and prompted to change their passwords.

In the end, we would like to point out that many Facebook users are already being affected by this. Many are already complaining about being victims of Facebook's new policy, Apparently, their accounts have been temporarily suspended on the basis of false accusations of sending out phishing and spam emails. We wonder if Facebook is purposely trying to aggravate its users. What do you think?


 About The Author

This article is written by Sindhia Javed Junejo. She is one of the core members of RHA team.