How important is grooming in professional life?

How important is grooming? Do people really judge you by the way you dress and carry yourself? You know why people say, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”? Because most people do.

What I am getting at is not that one should only wear expensive clothes. But wearing one’s best professional attire to work is expected. If you are serious about your career then you need to take personal grooming a little more seriously. Here are some fun tips which will not only get heads to turn, but will also add an extra edge to your confidence and enthusiasm.


Walking to office in flip-flops, crocs or worn-out footwear is not acceptable, no matter what designation you hold. If you are not comfortable in professional shoes and stilettos all day, carry a change of flipflops but don’t be caught as though you just got out of bed and into work.


If you don’t have a formal wardrobe, it’s time you made one. Investing in your attire is an investment in your career. Upgrade your style as you move up. Don’t buy by what your designation demands; always keep your standards three rungs above your current position. No matter what, your wardrobe must include smart formals for daily wear, at least one smart formal for party wear and one smart formal for a board meeting. You may not see the need today, but when the day arrives you may not have the time, money or accessibility to dress up for the occasion.


Accessories add zing to your appearance. Cuff links over button-up sleeves, earrings to match your clothes, a branded watch, neatly painted nails, a scarf to go with your shirt, all add an extra spark to your dressing and make you stand out.


Investing in a deodorant, perfume and even some tic tac is a good way to keep yourself smelling fresh. There is no greater turn off than body odour and bad breath.

Where I have found slack in personal grooming, I have also found a slack in self confidence. When people take their appearance and their grooming seriously, it shows up in their attitude, and reflects in the way they talk and the way they think about their goals. Don’t let your designation decide your dressing for you; let your grooming be led by your vision. Put your best foot forward in everything you do, including your appearance.