Phonegap: An amazing combination of HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript

Phonegap (Cordova) = HTML5 + CSS3 + Javascript

What a great combination!! How easy is Phonegap to learn!!! A great enhancement in mobile technology....

If you are an iPhone developer, you use Objective C....if Android or Blackberry, you use Java...But is there any technology which can make applications for each platform? Phonegap gives the answer..

Lets discuss what features Phonegap possesses?

Features of Phonegap:

1. PhoneGap is an open source framework.

2. Phonegap supports all the mobile platforms like Apple iOS, Google Android, HP WebOS, RIM BlackBerry, MS Windows Phone, Nokia Symbian OS and Samsung bada.

3. Phonegap supports many mobile hardware features like Accelerometer, Camera, Capture, Compass, Connection, Contacts, Device, Events, File, Geolocation,
Media,Notification (Vibration, Sound, Alert), Storage etc.

4. Phonegap is easy to learn as you only have to learn HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript which I think every developer would be knowing. Just you have to learn the framework
which you can learn within half a month.

5. There are a lot of IDEs which support phonegap framework like CS5.5, Eclipse, XCode etc.


Lets go back in history how phonegap took birth? Idea of developing Phonegap came in iPhoneDevCamp event in San Fransisco because there were less developers who knew Objective C for iPhone as compared to web developers which were expert in web development. Nitobi first created the Phonegap and then Adobe bought Nitobi in October 2011. Phonegap is currently supported by Apache Software Foundation (ASW). When phonegap was developed, it was called Apache Callback but now it has been renamed to Apache Cordova.

Further readings: I am creating a mobile app for blackberry and android using phonegap. I am learning a lot from there. While delvelopment, I am facing a lot of challenges. I will keep you updated with all the information which I get or learn. For now, you can refer Phonegap Official Website.