Slackware 14.0 RC 2 Announced

Patrick Volkerding has announced RC 2 for the upcoming Slackware 14.0. As always, it includes a lot of bug fixes and suggestions from previous RC 1 release. It's getting closer and right now, it's basically a frozen and no new feature will be added unless it's very important and doesn't contain known regressions.

What's new on this RC 2? Here are list of packages that gets upgraded along with the new version number
  • New Kernel 3.2.27
  • Bash 4.2.037
  • Btrfs-progs-20120810
  • Coreutil-8.18
  • Smartmontools-5.43
  • usb_modeswitch-1.2.4
  • RPM 4.10
  • mpg123-1.14.4
  • lxc-0.7.5
  • ccache-3.1.8
  • amaroK 2.6.0
  • db48
  • liblastfm-1.0.1
  • phonon-gstreamer-4.6.2
  • GnuTLS-3.0.22
  • wget-1.14
  • Scim-1.4.14
  • Audacious-3.3.1
  • geeqie-1.1
I'm quite surprised that Pat decided to put a lot of packages for this RC, but all is good and i think Slackware 14 will not be out of date for quite a long time. Most of the packages included are already at the latest stable version.

It's just that i might not be able to witness Slackware 14 release since i will be going abroad next Sunday and i may not be able to have Internet access for the time being. Things can go differently if Slackware 14.0 is released before this weekend, but all is up to Pat to decide.

Anyway, do test anyway and hopefully we can see Slackware 14.0 release in short time.