Who Wins The Cyber War? - Pakistan Or India

I was watching sitting at home watching the day's of 14th And 15th August pass by when both Pakistani, Indian hackers defaced each other's website on the day's of each other's Independence, I hold them responsible for the hatred that's being spread among both countries. Either it's for superiority, passion or proving one better than the other.

Well the question is Who wins the Cyber war?

No one, It's not a win-win situation, it's a loose-loose situation, Knowing to hack does not mean you should use it for destructive purposes. And most of the hackers don't do it for their country it's for their personal fame in the hacker's community. Instead of criticism they are appreciated and motivated to do more.

Well, let's think for a minute who is suffering?, A common webmaster, blogger who has nothing do with the cyber war. A website administrators who might loose his job for not being able to protect the website's security. The cyber war is never gonna stop this way.

It's About The Fame

Well, it's truly about the fame in the black hat hacker's community, When a website is defaced the hackers their countries flag along with it. However they also post their named along with it, Posting/Promoting their names reveals us that it's truly about the fame rather than the patriotism.

Psychology of Modern Warfare and Hacking

To support my point I would like to post a small survey regarding the cyber warfare.

Why Do People Hack For?
  • For Fun (31.4%)
  • Want to be best defacer (17.2%)
  • No reason Specified (14.7%)
  • Political Reasons (11.8%)
  • Patriotism (10.9%)
  • As a challenge (10.8%)
  • Revenge (3.3%) 
As you can clearly see from the above stats that 17.2 percent hack because they want to be the best defacer showing that it's clearly about the fame. Only 10.9% percent hackers hack for patriotism.

Message For Upcoming Hackers

I would like to give a small message to all the hackers in the community who are on they way of becoming a hacker. Knowing hacking is not bad at all, what makes it bad and even disastrous is when it's used for negative purposes. Let you be from any country or any part of the world. We should spread the lesson of peace and harmony in the society rather than defacing each other's websites, spreading hatred resulting in a cyber war.

"Fame is a vapour, Popularity an accident, riches takes wings an one thing endures is your character"