Blogger DNS 0day Vulnerability 2012 By Shadow008, Pakistani Hacker

Blogger DNS 0day Vulnerability 2012

[#] Author : Shadow008
[#] Reported On : The Hackers Media
[#] Country : Pakistani Hacker

New BlogDNS 0day, Discovered By Shadow008
Lets just say, any site pointing to Google server can Be Hacked and Defaced

1st) Find a target where as its subdomain or its main domain is pointing to google or blogger server I.P
2nd) If it is pointing to Google Server I.P, You will see a page 100% like this >>

404. That’s an error.

The requested URL / was not found on this server. That’s all we know.

If that shows, That means its vul to BlogDNS 0day

3rd) Go to and Login / Create an account
4th) Create a Blog
5th) Name it anything you want as a subdomain for blogger.
6th) Once blog is created, Go to Settings > Publishing > Switch To Advanced Mod and add that site URL domain. ( Please note that it MUST be pointing to google or blogger server I.P.
and Save it.

Clear You cache and go to that sites subdomain which you added. You will see its in your control  .
Now go to Design > Edit HTML > Revert to Classic Template > Add Deface Code There (Switch of Navbar to OFF) and Hit Save, Clear Cache and check site will be defaced  .

Note: I have used Old Blogger Interface, I don't use the New Blogger Interface as I find the old one more easy

I hope it was clear and understood
Have fun and don't share

Special Thanks To Shadow008 for all this

Sites which are hacked using this method: