Calling all IP publishers and editors

The IPKat's annual lunch for IP Publishers and Editors for 2012 is to take place a little earlier than usual this year, since its proximity to Christmas, the Saturnalia -- and, more significantly, to printers' end-of-year shutdowns -- has prevented some good folk from attending. This year's date is Wednesday 21 November, 12.30pm to 2.30pm, and the venue, kindly provided this year by Simmons & Simmons LLP, is its lovely London office at CityPoint.

If you are an intellectual property publisher, editor, editorial board member or supplier of content to any of them, or indeed if you are an IP blogger, you are cordially invited to attend. The event is not limited to the UK: we have previously welcomed participants and speakers from the Benelux, Germany, Switzerland, and even the United States.

We’d hoped to announce this year’s keynote speaker by now, but have had a couple of likely prospects turn us down. If, while attending last year’s meeting, you were asked by one of the IPKat team if you’d like to be this year’s star attraction and said “yes”, can you please come forward now?

Which naughty person told the
publishers of IP Fortnightly that
fancy dress was compulsory?
Old-timers need no reminding of the format.  Admission is free. Registration is from mid-day.  The event kicks off at 12.30pm with buffet lunch, drinks and networking.  The hosts welcome everyone at 1pm and the keynote speaker gets a maximum of 20 minutes following which there is a general question/answer and discussion while any food that has not been nailed to the furniture gets consumed. The event concludes at 2.30pm and the last visitors are gently escorted off the premises not later than 3pm.

If you are eligible to attend and would like to do so, please email the IPKat here and let him know, stating (i) your name and (ii) your affiliation and/or role. This helps when it comes to making the badges, so that other people who are attending can find out who you are without having to ask.  No not expect an immediate acknowledgement.