"Low carbon" refrigerator to help upgrade your life - Appliance TM, carbon refrigerator - - Business

With the concept of the social consumption increased people br Home Appliances The requirements from scratch and then to gradually pursuit of quality step by step process of development Refrigerator is no exception with two different 30 years ago and now each family into the refrigerator as br br Home Essential goods Projections up the refrigerator from the last century 39 s massive presence in China 80 90 household it has been nearly 20 years However due to technical limitations the production of refrigerators that era may now also exposed to a lot of problems If your home refrigerator quot age quot is not small then to make a diagnosis for it yourself see your home refrigerator is not also to the replacement time br br Moreover replacement refrigerator now is the time particularly home appliances br TM to Policies have brought about considerable benefits to many consumers if your refrigerator too many problems there as another new one Should know that TM to seize this op portunity home electrical consumption can save you a lot of costs br br Lot of useful life extended risk br National Bureau of Statistics show that in 1999 the family refrigerator town 100 77 7 penetration rate Penetration rate of growth from the view of refrigerators refrigerator products 100 urban households penetration first time in 2004 90 but the penetration rate is only 5 years to increase 3 6 percentage points which means that most Chinese families to the refrigerator replacement of the stage br br General the life of the refrigerator only 8 to 10 years this is because the refrigerator components used in the long process of constantly wear and tear if continued use is vulnerable to many problems First is the cooling effect of variation and use of time is too long the door seal will inevitably result in lax cooling effect of natural variation In addition the refrigerator compressor and condenser easily stained with dust but because it is an important cooling refrigerat or parts coated with dust will affect the cooling resulting in reduced component life reduced cooling effect refrigerator br br Refrigerator products from the current market view quot fluoride quot is basically out of the refrigerator refrigerator market however more than ten years ago the refrigerator basically fluoride more than after the use of life can easily lead to fluoride addition vent on the family 39 s health and air quality are extremely negative impact br br Moreover many consumers may find that old refrigerator noise particularly of course also wear the device with zero Zero wear devices cause the refrigerator work burden and thus greater wear and tear noise natural increase In addition most components are insulated refrigerator and if worn too hard it could lead to leakage this potential risk is worth attention br br Refrigerator odor hazardous to health insurance br Due to the impact of eating habits many people like to put all food in the refrigerator the ref rigerator as if into the family of quot big warehouse quot However not all suitable for any food in the refrigerator especially a few years ago even ten years ago to buy the old refrigerator to the bacteria do not have any anti bacterial function resulting in rotting food human intestinal tract after eating damage serious even lead to food poisoning br br Careful consumer will find even if regular cleaning fridge lockers there was often a refrigerator odor the odor of food are particularly vulnerable to deterioration caused by the refrigerator or odor endangering the health of their families In fact fridge lockers regular cleaning is important but not all consumers at all times to ensure cleaning of the refrigerator to reach a comprehensive and thorough cleaning Therefore in order to ensure the health long years in addition to freezing cold storage without any merit of the quot old quot refrigerator timely upgrade is imminent br br In addition more than ten years ago the ref rigerator when not many things that need refrigeration so the refrigerator volume is not large classification is little space With the development of society people 39 s living standard has gradually improved quot temporary quot types of ingredients in the refrigerator up more gradually in addition to meat and eggs fruits seafood fruit juice also have quot settled quot refrigerator Classification space is too small different types of ingredients together inevitably produce odor and bad this is frustrating for many consumers worry