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Hemorrhaging in his own words "unspeakable poverty," he stubbornly and persistently studied. Looking back later on this difficult pore, he wrote: "With one altn day salary, it was impossible to have a day to feed more as a coin of bread, and the coin kvas, etc. on paper, shoes and other needs. So I lived five years, and science does not have "

Five years have lasted a special theological education MV Lomonosov Moscow State University, but the clergy Lomonosov did not come out. Dramatically changed the fate of his newly founded by Peter the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. The state finally began to develop and guide the science

Russian Academy of Sciences, celebrated 220 years of existence, conceived and founded by Peter the Great. She was in the culture of our country's extraordinary value. The size and method of its activities, our Academy is very separated in a number of other major academies and scientific societies of the world

It is known that the idea of the Academy came from Peter's conversation with the philosopher and mathematician Leibniz, from correspondence with other philosophers, would-be teacher, MV Lomonosov Moscow State University - Wolff, of the meetings with the Paris academicians (Peter himself was a member of the Paris Academy). However, Peter and his practical mind quite clearly aware that the establishment in Russia at the beginning of XVIII century. Academy modeled on the Paris or London, the Royal Society would be pure decoration. In fact, Russia is still only thinking about high schools and universities, and the Academy of French and English sample inevitably would have become detached from society and state, would become useless "societetes scientists foreigners. It seemed that it was necessary to wait long to society is ripe to bring up a lot of educated and literate people just before creating a scientific summit - from the Academy. Peter decided, however, a different way and in their own way. In the Russian Academy he joined the advanced science, scientific research with training at different levels - from the middle and crafts to university

In the memorandum the first president of the Life-medic Blumentritt, approved by Peter, it was decided to start a meeting in St. Petersburg from the samoluchshih learned men, who of science by producing and doing of art (ie, technical skills and crafts. - SV) and the science of public taught to young people, and the latter, in turn, after assuming the science and art of his sample Uchino, young people in the first foundations were taught. " In other words, Peter decided to plant science and immediately above and below by transplantation finished Western science and the cultivation of national young scientists