DoxTree–the Social Network for Doctors and Patients

I've been less visible lately in the SharePoint space because I've been working hard to get a new project off the ground. DoxTree is a social network for doctors and patients and getting a private Beta launched has taken up most of my time for the past few months. I say "most" because I've also started my new SharePoint book--which I clearly need to write a post about soon.


I'm really excited about DoxTree and as co-founder/CTO, I'm enjoying putting together a great platform and talking to potential partners. We had some great meetings in Seattle with the University of Washington and we’re excited about working with them in our Beta phase.

At this point, we're being noticeably cagey about the feature set that will offer, but it's safe to say that you can expect some social features from a social platform. We're not just a LinkedIn clone for doctors, or just a doctor directory. We'll offer some features that have been made available outside of healthcare, but we're aspiring to be much more. To learn more about DoxTree, check out the DoxTree blog.