Electronic Cigarette Stores Become A Popular Business Venture - Technology - Electronics

"Now Open" signs are starting to be put in the windows of a new kind of store all over the world: electronic cigarette stores. As e-cigarettes, short for electronic cigarettes, are starting to gain popularity and momentum all over the world, electronic cigarette stores are beginning to become a very lucrative business to go into. Whereas tobacco shops used to dominate the world of smokers, electronic cigarette stores now stand to do just as much business as any tobacco store, and it's estimated that in the future, electronic cigarette stores will do just as much business as tobacco stores.

Of course, electronic cigarette stores can only go so far and sell so many products, they're a bit limited to e-cigarettes, also commonly referred to as smokeless cigarettes. It's obviously impossible to turn some tobacco products into an electronic version, such as chewing tobacco and those who smoke tobacco from a pipe. But electronic cigarette stores are hopeful that one day e-cigarettes will dominate the tobacco world in general, becoming the choice for even those who used to use chewing tobacco and smoke tobacco in a pipe. Electric cigarette stores are hoping this because e-cigarettes are supposed to be a much safer alternative to any tobacco product; the e-juice that provides nicotine to e-cigarettes is only made with one other chemical, propylene glycol, that enables the liquid to easily be turned into a smokeless vapor. This is in a huge comparison to regular tobacco cigarettes, which are usually made with around 3,000 to 4,000 chemicals that are in addition to nic otine. Of course, rumors like carpet glue additives being added to tobacco cigarettes only 'fueled the fire', or rather, the non-existent fire behind e-cigarettes. Smokers began to either quit smoking or started to look for an alternative that they could live with and enjoy, and they seemed to have found the answer in electronic cig stores in the form of e-cig kits.

E-cig kits are the first thing that most curious smokers buy when wanting to test e-cigarettes for themselves. E-cig kits are the number one seller for electronic cig stores, combining every supply and tool that smokers need for e-cigarettes. In e-cig kits, smokers get the main mouthpiece that houses the vaporizing chamber which includes an atomizer, cartomizer, and battery, which draws up the vaporizing liquid from a cartridge.

It won't be surprising when people start to see a "plug" on a sign instead of a tobacco leaf, it only seems to be a test of time before this happens...