How to Choose Weight Loss & Diet Tracking Software! - Health - Weight Loss

Selecting the right weight loss software can very well be the difference between succeeding in your weight loss or not.

There are about 9 different competing weight loss software products on the market today. You can see most of them if you search for "weight loss software" on or What do they all have in common? They are all like a fashion show, telling you to buy them because they are the prettiest and have more colors in their screen-shots or because they have more options. This is NOT the way to select good weight loss software.

Remember, good weight loss software needs to be easy to use, that, without compromising functionality, could be used by your 95 year old grandmother! If a wiz-kid is the only one who can figure out all of the functions then the weight loss software won't help you.

It is important to know about your own health and capabilities when taking on a weight loss program, and to remember that the weight loss software is only an AID and not a magic machine that has all the right answers. Remember to consult a doctor, fitness instructor and even a dietitian before you begin any major weight loss program.

How to Select a Weight Loss Software Aid:

Select weight loss software is easy to follow. The most important thing is that it has an interface to input the foods that you are eating everyday. The worst thing a program can do is just give a simple list of 10,000 or so foods and ask you to select the food you ate from that list. It takes you a long time to search through the list to find the foods you ate, even if they are alphabetically ordered, and they are often listed under categories that you may not agree with, for example, iced tea may be labeled under "pop" when you were looking under "juice." It is best when you can simply type in the food.

The software also needs to give you easy ways to analyze and report about the information you entered. A good weight loss software does not tell you what to do because software can't is not a doctor, a dietitian or a fitness instructor, so it any software claims it can tell you what to do, run away from it! Software does not understand the issues with your specific weight loss needs, limitations or balance.

Good weight loss software will allow you to create a diet plan that fits your needs and that will allow you to lose weight, regardless or you starting size and weight. For this, we recommend Strip That Fat. The Strip That Fat System includes a Diet Creator that allows you to choose the foods you want to eat and will automatically create a diet for you that will help you lose weight.

The upgraded version of Strip That Fat also includes a calorie tracking system that will allow you to keep track of your intake and burned calories. This will lead to weight loss!


Weight loss software simply gives you an analysis that then a human being can use as an aid for a weight loss program. Here are some things to remember when choosing weight loss software from Strip That Fat:

1. The best weight loss software is software that is easy to use and has food and exercise input interface

2. The best weight loss software provides easy to read reports and analysis of your food and exercise information

3. Weight loss is not a joke. Your entire body goes through extreme changes during weight loss, so never go on a program that suggests you take pills or other chemicals. Don't go for a shortcut, because it will be a shortcut to the hospital.

4. Be safe, and use weight loss software as an AID only.

If you are serious about losing weight and want to get access to all the diet software you need to succeed, we highly recommend that you try Strip That Fat (it is guaranteed!).

Lose Weight Starting TODAY With Strip That Fat!