HOWTO : Apparmor for Firefox on Ubuntu 12.04

Apparmor is a kind of application firewall which is similar to SELinux. Apparmor is installed by default for Ubuntu.

The apparmor for Firefox is already installed to /etc/apparmor.d/ but it is not enabled by default.

Step 1 :

sudo apt-get install apparmor-utils

Step 2 :

Make sure the line #120 to #127 are match your language that is installed in your Ubuntu. The line #122 to #123 and #126 to #127 are showing the Traditional Chinese of Public and Downloads directories.

Step 3 :

After making the changes (if any), then enable it.

sudo aa-enforce /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.firefox

That's all! See you.


Apparmor manual for Ubuntu