IronWASP v0.9.1.4

IronWASP (Iron Web application Advanced Security testing Platform) is an open sourcesystem for web application vulnerability testing. It is designed to be customizable to the extent where users can create their own custom security scanners using it. Though an advanced user with Python/Ruby scripting expertise would be able to make full use of the platform, a lot of the tool’s features are simple enough to be used by absolute beginners.

Changes made to IronWASP:
  • Crawler class now HTML decodes Location and Refresh Urls taken from HTML Meta tags
  • Fixed a bug in the Request.FromBinaryString() method
  • Fixed a bug in the ScanTrace updating area
  • Improved Log forward and backward jumping feature
  • After recent code change, ID counters in the Config class were not being updated properly when loading a project file. Fixed it.
  • Added public properties to the Config class that gives the ID of the last Proxy/Probe/Scan/Shell/Test session.
  • Added IronThread class
  • Major changes to internals of the Parameters and its child classes to eliminate design mistakes.
  • ScanManager class now performs Scan Job creation inside Try/Catch block
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