Online Marketing Degrees

Because global competition has become so intense, it should come as no surprise that companies invest heavily in their marketing and promotion campaigns. Even well-established companies like Coca-Cola must spend lavishly if they want to continue attracting consumers. Coca-Cola spends almost $2 billion a year to maintain its dominant position in the beverage industry. Growth in the advertising industry is expected to be brisk over the next few years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The total number of jobs available to advertising, marketing, promotions, and public relations managers should grow by 12 percent by 2016. So how do you take advantage of the opportunities the future holds?

Marketing Career Training and Degree Programs

Although there are many different paths to marketing, securing an associate''s degree is generally regarded as the bare minimum. That''s because marketing has become such an interdisciplinary field, drawing on business, psychology, graphic design, statistics, science, and technology training. For long-term success, consider earning a bachelor degree or higher.Master''s degrees are becoming prerequisites for those with management aspirations. Programs should give you a grounding in the fundamentals of business, economics, and business law. Coursework in brand management, consumer behavior, and international marketing is standard. Those students focusing on marketing will spend time on strategy and consumer research. Those that specialize in advertising will study trends in mass communication and publishing. Most programs are beginning to offer classes in new forms of advertising, as the Internet is poised to become the dominant medium of communications.

World of Marketing

Although print media, television, and Hollywood are still major players in the marketing world, the Internet has become the leading medium for getting the word out. Not surprisingly, online marketing degree programs have flourished as a result. What better way to familiarize yourself with Internet technology than by securing your marketing degree through a Web-based school? E-commerce, Web copy, search engine optimization, and site design are becoming increasingly relevant in the world of marketing. By pursuing an online marketing degree, you can develop greater fluency in these areas. Never has it been so important to have the most current career training in this field.

Marketing Salaries

Earnings vary among management workers in marketing, advertising, and public relations. Those in marketing tend to make the most, with a median salary of $98,720 in 2006. These numbers also fluctuate by industry, with marketers in the computer industry topping the median wage scale at $119,540. Technology is one of the top-earning industries surveyed, and might offer the best return on your educational investment.