Quadodo Login Script - PHP Login Script

The Quadodo Login Script is a free open-source php login script written in PHP and SQL. It is a stand-alone system and is one of a kind. This free login script is for anyone who wishes to allow users to sign up for their site. It comes with loads of features that include:
  • Cookies or Sessions
  • In-Depth Administration Panel
  • MySQL or PostgreSQL
  • Permission Masks
  • Grouping System
  • Paging System
  • Block Access to Public
  • Easily Integrated
  • Muliple Languages
  • Many More...
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Quadodo Login Script Version: 3.1.9
Documentation: ChangeLogUser GuideLicenseAbout
Released: March 11th, 2008
Full Downloads: qls-3.1.9.zipqls-3.1.9.tar.bz2qls-3.1.9.tar.gz
Changed Files Only: qls-3.1.9-cha...only.zipqls-3.1.9-cha...only.tar.bz2qls-3.1.9-cha...only.tar.gz

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