Qubes 1.0 released!

Qubes implements Security by Isolation approach. To do this, Qubes utilizesvirtualization technology, to be able to isolate various programs from each other, and even sandbox many system-level components, like networking or storage subsystem, so that their compromise don’t affect the integrity of the rest of the system.
Qubes lets the user define many security domains implemented as lightweight Virtual Machines (VMs), or “AppVMs”. E.g. user can have “personal”, “work”, “shopping”, “bank”, and “random” AppVMs and can use the applications from within those VMs just like if they were executing on the local machine, but at the same time they are well isolated from each other. Qubes supports secure copy-and-paste and file sharing between the AppVMs, of course.

Changes made to Qubes -

  • A much improved Qubes Manager, that now allows to configure and manage almost every aspect of the Qubes system using a simple and intuitive GUI.
  • All the VMs are now based on Fedora 17 template.
  • Cleaned up and improved command lines tools for both Dom0 and for the VMs.
  • Updated Dom0 and VM kernels are now based on 3.2.7-pvops kernel, which offer better hardware and power management support.
  • Convenient menu improvements, that include e.g. a handy icon for launching a DisposableWeb browser in a Disposable VM.
  • Support for “yum proxy”, which smartly allows to update packages in a template VM (or other update-able VM), without requiring to grant general HTTP access for this VM. This has been a problem before, as the Fedora repository use hundreds of mirrored yum servers, and it wasn’t possible to setup a single rule in the firewall VM to allow only access to the yum servers, and nothing else. Now, this is possible, and the primary application is to prevent user mistakes, e.g. against using the template VM for Web Browsing.
  • We also added support for an opt-in full-screen mode for select VMs.
  • Plus lots of other improvements and fixes under the hood. As can be seen in the wiki, there has been over 200 tickets and 3 security issues closed as part of the work on this release!
Download Qubes -

You can download the ISO and the digital signature for the ISO from here:
Note: Be sure that you use a modern, non-handicapped browser to access the links below (e.g. disable the NoScript and the likes extensions that try to turn your Web Browser essentially into the 90's Mosaic). 

Visit website -
Screenshot -