Raw Fish And Water Spinach Simple Question Brings A Serious Topic Refrigerator - News - Business News

Raw fish and water spinach can be put together? A seemingly simple question, has become a very serious refrigerator industry issues. It often is this: a seemingly unremarkable small problem, but may lead to a revolution in a field. Ordinary small problems like this, researchers at the Haier refrigerator in Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan and other places to do market research when constantly raised. For this problem, in the traditional sense of the answer should be this: Yes, should be regarded them into the refrigerator. This problem is much simpler: as raw fish, water spinach, milk, tomatoes, juice, etc., should be put in refrigerator thing of course, they should be all into the freezer, which with the 1 +1 = 2 the same could not be easier. The problem solved? Consumers apparently are not satisfied. These things are needed for keeping the temperature the same? Are unified into the cold box temperature, to ensure the preservation of their best effect? To ensure that their nutrit ion is not lost it? Simple serious issue behind the problem Consumers further research officer of Haier Refrigerator: Haier launched the 007 series refrigerator, to solve the difficult problem of the cut meat, to ensure the meat nutritional part of the loss, then, can set up more in the refrigerator within a temperature range of refrigeration in the freezer between the temperature zone, so that on the temperature zone for food is no longer in a position where so awkward dilemma? Consumers will always be the benchmark of product development. Haier refrigerator model division managers keen intuition told them: to solve the consumer that these "small problems" of the refrigerator, the refrigerator industry will lead to a new technological revolution. Ideas to solve these problems is simple: to change the traditional refrigerator into chilled, frozen two-zone model, developed multi-zone refrigerator temperature, so require different preservation temperature of the food "Steady." From the two-temperature zone to a multi-temperature zone?? Refrigerator technology transformation Technology revolution first need to support the theory. Nutritionist's report: milk, beer, fruit juice, etc. The best storage temperature is 2-6 degrees, and 1-2 days to eat meat and fish, on the 0 degree ice the greenhouse effect keeping the best, because at 0 degrees temperature zone, the water is ice-vapor mixture state of existence, the moisture loss. Consumption of food within 2 weeks, then fit into the freezer at -7 degree of soft food without thawing, can be instant or cut, preventing the loss of nutrition...... Theoretical support for the direction specified by the technological revolution, but not any form of revolution as simple as a dinner party, the technological revolution as well. Haier Refrigerator researchers started a new challenge. Is the so-called "indeed affect the whole body," more than a third of the Haier refrigerator parts to be redesigned, vertical-sha ped design of the display, blue backlight, two-tier Storage Box...... to be adopted innovation dedicated to the consumer a fresh refrigerator. Meanwhile, Haier refrigerator, new breakthrough technology in the world's first three-cycle refrigeration patent shunt, from the aesthetic concept of the refrigerator to keep the two-door, to achieve independence of each greenhouse cooling, four temperature zone can be through a separate digital temperature probe to achieve precise temperature control, and interference from each other. Research is a difficult but effective, just more than a month's time, China's first two-door four-zone refrigerator on the Haier was born, and she won the national CCC certification and is the leading international experts as domestic refrigeration products. Go along with the demand, the only reason for the development of the refrigerator This is named "0 +007" intelligent four-zone refrigerator, dual temperature zones in the original basis, while incre asing the 0 degree refrigerator crisper and -7 degrees two separate soft-freezer refrigeration temperature zone, the formation of four refrigeration space, completely breaking the traditional refrigerator preservation mode to solve the "can not have both fish and bear's paw" of the proposition. The problem here seems to have been resolved, but the multi-temperature zone Haier Refrigerator development Enlightenment is far-reaching. Today, the domestic appliance market, an important issue is becoming more homogeneous product, there is nothing innovative products to consumers in the choice of loss when, while a further round of imitation, speculation eventually led to the only frequent price wars broke out. Haier refrigerators have been able to stick to the price front, price war is not only the value of war to fight, because Haier refrigerator can continue to achieve technological innovation. Competition in the normal way products should focus on the technical competition, tec hnological development can only come from consumer demand for inspiration. Haier proven to create demand, to meet the demand, followed by the demand to go is the refrigerator industry is the only reason for home appliance industry.