Refrigerator Failure: Warning Signs To Watch For - Home

If there is any appliance that is more valuable to us than the refrigerator, it is hard to imagine what it would be. When it is working well, we are content. When it is not, it creates a stressful situation. Knowing the warning signs to look for, and when to call Orange County Appliance Repair is the key to limiting the amount of time that you are without use of your refrigerator.

A drop in the temperature within the refrigerator is the most important warning sign to watch for. Should the temperature get too low, you and your family are at risk. Foods, especially meat, must be kept at or below a specific temperature. Otherwise, bacteria will begin to grow. If you suspect that your refrigerator interior is not as cold as it should be, place a thermometer inside and allow it to remain there for several minutes. If the temperature is not between 35-38 degrees, call for repairs.

Listen for any sounds that are out of the ordinary. There is some sound produced when the refrigerator is running. This sound level will vary by model. However, you should be familiar with what is normal, and what is not. Knocking, pinging, and an increase in operating sound level could be a direct warning sign that failure is near. Calling for repairs as soon as you hear out of the ordinary sounds may allow you to stop failure in it's tracks.

Odd smells are yet another warning signs. This could be a burning smell, or any other foreign scent. Smells are typically associated with failing parts. It is not unheard of for the wiring in older models to fail over time, and this can create a fire hazard. If possible, unplug the refrigerator immediately. This should only be done if you are 100% certain that the problem is no occurring at the electrical outlet itself. When in doubt, turn off the breaker to the refrigerator instead.

It should be easy to determine freezer failure, as foods will begin to thaw. It is possible for the freezer to fail, while the refrigerator area remains functional. Should you notice this happening, call Orange County Appliance Repair to come and diagnose the problem.

There are some models that have features such as water dispensers and ice makers. Though these are optional features, many families have come to rely on them. These features may also fail at some point. It is completely to have these problems diagnosed and repaired as well.

Knowing the warning signs of refrigerator failure will ensure that the amount of time you are without use of your appliance will be kept to a minimum. This is assuming that you call for repairs immediately. Safety is the most important factor of all. Should you suspect that the problem is electrical in nature, shut off the power to the unit, and wait for help.