Steps to optimize internet speed - Technology - Information Technology
Internet Service Providers promises of delivering good speed internet. But it so happens that most of the time the subscriber is not satisfied with the broadband internet speed. So, it becomes essential to first find out how much speed is being delivered. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to internet speed. Firstly ISPs only promise an upper limit. This means they are not promising anything close to top performance and one cannot expect good speed at all times. Another aspect to notice is that high traffic will impact the speed of the internet. Larger the number of applications, slower will be the internet. Apart from what all is said above there are other factors too that affect the speed of internet. The speed of internet also depends upon the hardware and software used.
Following are few tips that will help increase the speed of your internet connection:
(1) Connecting PortThis is one of the most obvious things that one should keep in mind. Connecting to the internet via an ethernet port, rather than a serial, parallel or USB port is advisable. If it is not possible, then seeking computer support in this regard is a better option.
(2) Enough RAM
Ensure that you have enough RAM to support the internet load. If it is not so then while using internet you would not be able to browse fast. You would then need to close other applications to reduce load on the RAM.
(3) Fast Browser
Mozilla based browsers are rated to be amongst the fastest browsers. Another thing about browsers that you must remember is not to load it with extensions and add - ons. These only reduce the speed of the browser and leads to an unpleasant user experience. (4) Steps to increase speed under Windows XP Pro
Windows XP Professional reserves 20% of your bandwidth for updates or spyware checks. If you wish to increase the speed then you need to do the following steps:
1. Click [Windows] + [R] and type gpedit.msc in the Run window2. Under Computer Configuration expand the Administrative Templates3. Go to Network and click the QoS Packet Scheduler tab4. Double-click on Limit Reservable Bandwidth and enable it.
Even after performing these steps if there is no significant increase in the speed of internet then it is time to consult a computer support expert.
(5) Tweak Tools
There are a number of programs and tools available that promise to increase your internet speed. They might work in the short term but can be potentially harmful to the system as well. Loading these unnecessary applications may lead to a virus or Trojan attack. It is recommended to seek Computer support and consult them in such circumstances.
All the above reasons stated and the steps will help you in enhancing the speed of your internet. However if the problem is persistent then you should opt for reliable computer tech support.