Thad0ctor's Word List Toolkit v1.4 - thad0ctor's BT5 toolkit streamlines word list creation and other tasks

Originally designed as a word list creation tool, thad0ctor's BT5 Toolkit has become an all purpose security script to help simplify many Backtrack 5 functions to help Pentesters strengthen their systems.

The backbone of thad0ctor's Backtrack 5 Toolkit is the Wordlist Toolkit that contains a plethora of tools to create, modify, and manipulate word lists in order for end users to strengthen their systems by testing their passwords against a variety of tools designed to expose their pass phrases. In short it is the ultimate tool for those looking to make a wide variety of word lists for dictionary based and other brute force attacks.

The toolkit is designed with usability in mind for the Backtrack 5R2 linux distro but will also work on BT5 R1 and other Ubuntu based distros if configured properly. The script is constantly updated with multiple revisions to include new cutting edge features and improvements in order to provide full spectrum wordlist creation capabilities.
thad0ctor's Backtrack 5 toolkit Web Site>>
Version #: v1.4 created on:24-Jul-12 created for:Backtrack 5R2 

Download thad0ctors Backtrack 5 toolkit (126.6 kB)
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  • Create word lists for SSNs, Phone Numbers, Date Ranges, Random Patterns, Password Policies, Patterns, from PDF/EBOOK files, for Default Router Passwords, or by profiling targets
  • Manipulate word lists by changing character cases, mirroring or doubling up words, reversing words prefixing or appending sequences of numbers or characters, inserting text, removing patterns or characters, converting words to 1337 speak, mangling words with John the Ripper and more
  • Optimize word lists by converting them to ASCII, trimming the words to set minimum and maximum lengths, sorting and removing duplicates, removing non-printable characters, splitting word lists into more manageable chunks and more
  • Analyzes word lists by viewing their line count, a break down of their most common patterns and characters used, search word lists for a certain string or sub-string, and calculate the time it would take to process a word list through a aircrack-ng or pyrit based dictionary attack
  • Combine individual word lists or word lists of a directory into a single word list and gather word lists system wide into one directory
  • Fully customize the usage of the script to streamline functionality. Change console output text color, configure passthough attack options for certain attacks, toggle or force on or off the GTK and CLI versions of the script, toggle whether or not to display the start up banner, toggle the main menu style and customize the script 1337ify options.
  • Stay up to date with a fully integrated and fool proof update system that pulls directly from the script's Sourceforge for up to the minute updates and configure whether or not you would like to auto-update the script on start up.
  • Make sure everything is working properly and dependencies are met with an automated dependency check and install system that takes all the pain and guesswork out of dependency issues.
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