Unlock share-cash within seconds

Hey guys I have a tutorial for you today. Some of you may already know this and some of don't. The easiest way to download from Share Cash.

Example: Go to Download Page you Click on "Regular Download" & A Popup should show up.. you think i'm screw'd... (BUT UR NOT)

Lets unlock this download!

1.Choose a survey. The easiest way to unlock it is when they food surveys like "which on is better coke or pepsi" something like that.

2. After you clicked it Go to fakenamegenerator.com and Click on "Generate" (must have the country on USA"

3. Now go back to the Survey you chose and fill in the info After that click "SUMMIT". 

4. Now go back to the download page and let it Refresh more than 2 times and the survey will unlock. If it doesn't unlock just try one more time.