7 Tips On How To Prevent Diseases? - Health - Diseases and Conditions

"We must turn to nature itself, to the observations of the body in health and in disease to learn the truth" - Hippocrates

Do we know how to prevent diseases?

Yes, we do know how to prevent diseases, but as with everything else in life, knowing will not help you, action is needed. Even if we think we have a healthy lifestyle and diet, most of us have a way to go. It's enough to take a look at the US health statistics to realize that something is very wrong with the American/Western lifestyle. Millions of people are suffering from one or more diseases and around 40 % of Americans will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.

Learn how to prevent diseases and live to you are 100!

The main reason for all this disease is an unhealthy lifestyle with too much stress and a wrong diet. The benefits of a healthy lifestyle are many, we can prevent diseases like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, and we may even reverse these diseases. It is not normal to die at the age of 75 - 80. We can live to 100 and have good health if we know how to prevent diseases. I will help you get started.

The benefits of a healthy lifestyle are many, here are the most important:

* Total health with less or no more diseases * High energy * Looking and feeling younger * Better sleep * Higher self esteem * Less stress * More happiness

Happiness lies, first of all, in health". - George William Curtis

How to prevent diseases! - Make some goals!

Start by asking yourself a few questions. What is my goal in life? Would I like to have more energy, loose weight, stop smoking, stop taking medicines, get healthier? How do I spend my time? Should I spend more time exercising, more time with family, more time in the nature? Make your health plan detailed. It is important to take it slowly -one step at a time. Lifestyle changes are not made in a week or two and they are made on many levels. In addition to healthy changes in your diet and more exercise it also includes beliefs, attitudes, thoughts and feelings. It is a reason that you are unhappy, overweight and lack energy.

7 steps on how to prevent diseases!

1. Minimize, or better, eliminate the use of chemicals in your food, body and skin care products and other products that you use - change to all natural organic products. Everything you apply to your skin ends up inside your body. Harmful chemicals in skin and body care products are harmful to your health. The same goes for your food.

2.Try to change your diet to a whole food, plant-based diet, while minimizing the consumption of refined foods, dairy products, added salt, fats and sugar. The lover the percentage of animal-based foods that are consumed, the grater the health benefits are. Science has found this type of diet to be consistent with the greatest health and the lowest incidence of heart disease, cancer, obesity and many other western diseases (Dr. Colin Campbell - The China Study).

3. Minimize or reduce the use of alcohol and drinks with lots of carbohydrates.

4. Stop smoking!5. Use your body, get out of the sofa. Maybe you can use the bike or walk to or from work. Let your car rest as much as possible.6. Get enough sleep and rest, stress is dangerous for your health.7. Think positive and be grateful for what you have.

How to prevent diseases - where do I start?Make your own health plan - write down as much as possible about your daily routines from you get up in the morning to you go to bed. What do you eat for breakfast, between meals, lunch, dinner, in the evening, smoking habits, drinking habits, coffee, snacks, watching TV, playing computer games, time spent on your computer. What cosmetics, body care or other products do you use? How much/often do you use your car, how often do you shop. The list could be very long, the more detailed the easier it is to see what changes are necessary and wanted. Put all this into one column and then make another with your new goals. Go here to see an example of a health plan: "How to prevent diseases and stay healthy"

Take it slowly - make it a game - get the children involved - reward yourself for every new "star" you can put on the plan.

Now that you know how to prevent diseases - will you take action?

I will not tell you to change your lifestyle, it's your life and it's all up to YOU. My hope is that this article has been an inspiration for you to get started. You know the main factors on how to prevent diseases. If you are interested to learn more about what foods you should eat, please visit my blog to find more information.


* The China Study by Colin Campbell

* pH miracle by Robert Y. Young

"Be yourself and be happy, never stop dreaming!"

Happy Natural Life!Kristin

Related article: "You have cancer!"
