Are You Sure Your Blog Is In Safety? - Web 2.0 - Blogs

The basic requirements to a good site or blog(1) are comprehension, uniqueness and design. The uniqueness can achieve only when the information from the site does not get on others and is not copied by others, and also while the design of a site remains original. There are many dullards, which have just learnt some letters, hear about context advertising(6), and threw to make blogs. Than more blogs they created, advertising gets them of more money also they thought. But how they can create so much content for all their blogs, - you ask? At similar "bloggers"(2) anything readable usually does not leave, because their brains can not create normal ideas yet, and reprint another's materials by them is under force. They will go on liked blog, copy some pages, disassemble them, excluding copyright and publish on their blogs. And it turn out splogs (spam-blogs)(3). The design should be protected, as well as content. But as it to make, if HTML(7) is open-source and in all web-brow sers there is an item "View page as HTML" or something like this? It turns out, that, making blog, you give him a material for spamming! Whether is at you a desire in couple of weeks to find the materials on other sites without reference to a source? Looks like, it is necessary to protect your creation.There are some programs (below), which will carry out some distortions with HTML-code, encrypt it up to unrecognizability. In result the encrypted turns out which is displayed normally only as result of JavaScript(5). So there is nothing worry especially. Certainly, an absolute guarantee from opening a code can not give anybody, but the decryption will be very strongly complicated. Especially because encoded information contains still any part of dust which is not influencing displays of page. But sploggers(4) even of a normal copy can not make. So we shall proceed to consideration of code protection methods.Protection of HTML-pages contents.By the most simple variant of conte nt's preservation on a site (by the way, not too effective) blocking pressing of the right button mouse click is. It is real protection against fool, that he could not copy anything. But you see all the same it is possible to keep page and to look on downloaded files. The method so useless, that it is possible to not consider at all. More interesting looks result of code protection by tools so-called HTML protectors, recently received in a network rather wide circulation. Unfortunately, the professionalism of the majority these programs authors, leaves to wish best, and many from such "protectors" simply not work. However there are also rather worthy projects. I shall bring hardly more detailed description best products in each category, on my opinion. HTML-Compress - desktop application - does not cipher a HTML-code, and simply reduces page volume. It is based on removal of double spaces, comments etc. HTML-code is necessary open, only to read it begins inconveniently. It i s the all protection, which the program can give. But against elementary Drag-Drop-Copy-Paste (as usually also are sploggers created) this program is powerless.HTML Guard - desktop application - the best, on my sight, program for HTML-code encrypting. It is a shareware. Small explanatories to wishing take advantage:At first choose, what files it is necessary to encrypt. In the Output tab do not change anything - by default there is adjusted to create bak-files in the same folder, where the files will vary. In an option Source Code it is possible to tell program to create a heap of empty lines in a code, that it is even more to confuse trying to overlook a source code. In the menu Images/Texts it is possible to disconnect pressing of the right mouse button. Popup with the message will emerge by its pressing, which can be thought up itself or to take ready. The developers is obvious with sense of humour, having written in one of variants " Why don't you create a web page by yo urself? ". Also here it is possible to disconnect an opportunity of text allocation and page printing. After a choice of adjustments of encrypting you can click to press the button Protect Files, and then the chosen files become protected. It is possible to upload them on online content protector. This is online (!) service on yours content protection. The service is focused on bloggers (from, but can be useful to any man who has decided to protect his content. It differs by complete absence of settings, with presence of the only one button "Protect!". And enough sufficient functionality, blocking the right button of the mouse, viewing of an initial code, copying with the help drag'n'drop, protection from spam-robots. The standard service does not include protection against viewing downloaded page offline and protection against copying with PrintScreen, but in the project blog the author describes how to include these options. The main feature o f service that it allows not simply to protect ready content, but to create it from start. For this purpose in service the word editor like MSword is built - in rather powerful WYSIWYG which allows to type the text, insert pics and flash animation directly in browser window, and then look through results and protect page in one click! Besides the service is absolutely free-of-charge and does not add any ads, that features puts iton 1 place in rating.So it is easy, quickly and possible to protect the multihour diligence.Let's sum upNow you know, how it possible to protect the information on your blog and website. But remember! Nobody can give a 100-percentage guarantee of copyrights preservation in internet. To 100 % content protect it necessary either write rot or keep all written in a bank safe. However described measures will frighten off 99 % of clonemakers.The rating list of reviewed programs for content protection is below. To find the program download site, just enter its name in anyone search engine.Top 3 best ***** free onlineHTML Guard ***** shareware desktop HTML-Compress **** freeware desktopTOP 10 other reviewed programs:

HTML Password Protector *** shareware desktopTagsLock Pro *** shareware desktop anti-user interface:HTML2Zip *** shareware desktopECMAScript Formatter *** shareware desktopAdvanced HTML Encrypt and Password Protect *** shareware desktopHTML Guardian *** shareware desktopWebPage Protector ** shareware desktop Not works correctly with FireFoxEncrypt HTML Pro ** shareware desktopSecure HTML Lock ** add its advertisementHTML Protector * shareware desktop (!) fall down Internet Explorer with encoded file

Glossary1. Blog - network diary, which owner spreads clauses and enables the readers to make comments on them.2. Blogger - blog owner.3. Splog - spam-blog. Blog, created for money-making on advertising by cheating. The main splog characteristic - all content is stealed from other sites and blogs.4. Splogger - splog owner5. JavaScript - programming language for web, enabled by default and supported by everyone browser already6. context advertising - internet advertising system when advertiser pay for every click on his ad links sighted on your site.7. HTML - markup programming language for web-site creating.