Chakra-Claire-2012.10 - free, user-friendly and extremely powerful liveCD and distribution
Chakra GNU/LInux is a free, user-friendly and extremely powerful liveCD and distribution using the award winning KDE SC and Plasma Desktop with a bundle system to use GTK-apps.
main goal is provide a fast, user-friendly and extremely powerful Live CD and/or Linux distribution specially made for the award winning KDE Software Compilation and the beautiful Plasma desktop.
Click here to learn more about Bundles System, an easy way to enjoy the best must-have Gtk applications without the need to actually install any file in the system.
Chakra provides a modular and tweaked package set of the KDE Software Compilationoptimized for Chakra Linux and coming with a lot of useful additions.
Tools, growing collection of tools for Chakra/KDE, featuring a gui package manager frontend, a LiveCD installer and a bundle creator/manager.
Download chakra-2012.10-Claire-x86_64.iso (1.6 GB)
Download other versions from here
- KDE improved packages
- especially made to get the best KDE experience
- Bundle system for GTK-apps
main goal is provide a fast, user-friendly and extremely powerful Live CD and/or Linux distribution specially made for the award winning KDE Software Compilation and the beautiful Plasma desktop.
Click here to learn more about Bundles System, an easy way to enjoy the best must-have Gtk applications without the need to actually install any file in the system.
Chakra provides a modular and tweaked package set of the KDE Software Compilationoptimized for Chakra Linux and coming with a lot of useful additions.
Tools, growing collection of tools for Chakra/KDE, featuring a gui package manager frontend, a LiveCD installer and a bundle creator/manager.
Download chakra-2012.10-Claire-x86_64.iso (1.6 GB)
Download other versions from here
Here you can download the latest builds of the Chakra Live Medias.
Full Edition
Full-featured snapshot with all the software you can expect from a Live Media, and more!
Available ISO files: DVD
Additional files: xdeltas, md5, sha1, package lists, torrents, etc.
Release notes: Chakra 2012.10
The Chakra-Project Team is proud to announce the third "Claire" release, this codename will follow theKDE SC 4.9 series, and will be dedicated to the memory of Claire Lotion.
Chakra is making the switch to Systemd as default with this release.
It took a good six months of preparations to get to this point, but the full switch to systemd is here. To do so udev is merged into systemd, with systemd being updated to 194. This meant a first .so file jump for libudev, meaning many packages depending on libudev were updated and rebuild. It also meant theremoval of consolekit, handled now by polkit and logind. All in all, this has been the biggest change in Chakra's 2 1/2 year existance as an independent distro. Among all the other updates on this release, KDE 4.9.2, Linux 3.5.6, Kmod 0.10, Cups 1.6.1, Dbus 1.6.4, Qt 4.8.3, Calligra 2.5.3 to name a few.
As with the previous release, Chakra is no longer shipping a GUI for package management. Appset-qt was the GUI for pacman, but was not handling complex updates as should, so it is dropped from this ISO. In the initial phase of using a build from scratch package manager, there will be no GUI for package management either, so this is a good time to let any user get accustomed to this situation. Pacman is the cli frontend for package management, the online package viewer is there for additional info and searches. A Simple Pacman Update Notifier named "spun" was also added, it will notify the user when updates are available. It was decided to no longer provide an i686 ISO. You can read more on this decision in this news article.
Chakra is offering only a DVD version with this release. It includes all the language packs, many of standard KDE apps, the new calligra 2.5.1, amarok, kde-telepathy, spideroak, printer support, minitube, k3b to name a few.
- KDE 4.9.2
- Linux 3.5.6 (3.0.43 optional)
- DVD image, including all locales and a nice selections of apps
- Kapudan, Chakra's desktop greeter, and all around first setup tool
- All new artwork called "Dharma"
- Latest Grub2-2.00, including graphical dharma theme, Qt 4.8.3
- Enhancements to Chakra tools like cbundle/cinstall, welcome-plasmoid, tribe and spun
- Updated systemd, kmod, mkinitcpio, filesystem, latest proprietary graphics drivers, including the all new catalyst-legacy
- Merge of udev into systemd, 15 dri packages into one mesa, removal of hal, consolekit, initscripts, sysvinit
For all our GTK fans we added some more popular GTK-apps as bundles. You can download them from our bundle page and run them with a simple double-click right away.
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