Chronic Back Pain Relief - 4 Most Popular Non-Surgical Methods - Health - Diseases and Conditions

Doctors refer to some chronic back disorders as "nonspecific low back pain" if the discomfort felt is not due to a cancerous growth, a slipped disk, a fracture or a compression due to fracture. The more persistent types of back pain disorders are being distinguished from their root causes, since there are other chronic back pain relief available in treating them aside from surgery.

Professors at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland disclosed that other treatment options are as good as any medication because where back pain is concerned, there is no perfect treatment for everybody. Hence, you can consider some of the four most popular relief methods being sought by people suffering from persistent "nonspecific low back pain" disorders:

1. Acupuncture

Traditional Chinese medicine attributes back pain to some form of energy blocked along energy pathways. Treatment by way of acupuncture is through the release of natural pain-relieving opioids that can relax the related parts of the nervous system. Opioids by the way, are opium-containing substances naturally produced by the brain. Certain neurochemicals and hormones will be subsequently released to send pain relief signals to the brain.

2. Yoga for Back Pain

Studies made about the effects of yoga as effective chronic back pain relief, revealed that there was a marked reduction in the severity and intensity of the low back pain experienced by some sufferers. The reliance on drug medications is also lessened since yoga is said to be effective in creating balance in the body through poses that can promote the body's flexibility and strength.

3. Massage Therapy

Massage is one of the most popular choices especially for pregnant women. This therapy is commonly resorted to by people who experience persistent back aches but are prohibited or are less inclined in taking pain killers. The soothing massage strokes are also medically proven to reduce the depression that may sometimes accompany the disorder due to the intensity of the discomfort being experienced.

4. Prolotherapy

This type of relief is often recommended to people who are recovering from back injury. It is medically explained that damaged or distressed ligaments take time to heal hence, bringing about immense pain. The treatment involves injections of a liquid solution that can speed up the natural healing process by repairing the soft tissues of the ligaments and tendons. This kind of therapy is said to be highly efficient as a relief because it actually addresses the underlying cause of the back pain disorder.

In addition, professors at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland issued statements that the traditional advice of bed rest for at least three days with a board support under the mattress can actually make a person's back to hurt even more. Instead of lying in bed for a prolonged period, going back to your usual normal routine presents a better alternative and may even keep the back area strong and well conditioned.

However, a person should stop in case some movements or postures trigger the onset of the back pain. The information offered by the health experts at Oregon Health & Science University means a nonphysical state of activity will only worsen the pain and is not at all effective as a chronic back pain relief.