Education System in Pakistan - Education

Education is the constructive factor for any society, it opens new horizon for the people to perceive things in different dimension. We need education because without it we cannot be a very united and strong nation. We cannot properly understand our national aims and the way of achieving them if most of our people remains uneducated. If most of our people get educated they can understand the value of unity and discipline in life. They can co-operate with one another in different fields of life. They can understand and work for their own high aims and those of their nation or country. They can understand and obey the law of land and become good citizens. Education will enable our people to make proper industrial, agricultural and technical progress. Educated people prove to be more efficient and beneficial for the society. The existing education system of Pakistan has two school of thoughts about its advancement, one group of thought criticizes it for its non existence infr astructure and other praises it under present government.

The current government has taken some serious steps towards the advancement of science and technology in the education factor of society by implementing various IT labs in government school and colleges. The syllabus of secondary and intermediate has been revised and various modern method and techniques have been introduced in the new books. Various funds have been issued for the students to pursue their Phd and master in the respective field. In various regions of the state free books and stationary have been free distributed between deserving students by the direct order of chief minister. Memorandums have been signed between local universities and international universities for student exchange program in various fields and technologies. The merit of admission in entrance exam of various engineering and medical universities has been improved from before.

But the opposing groups have been more criticizing to the current education reforms under the present leadership. Over the years since independence public have seen various political parties in action, various reforms about education, various declarations on paper but nothing but nothing has been fulfilled in prosperous way. In 21st century where western countries have made huge advancement towards science and technology we are still lagging behind in them in respective field and the main reason is grooming of less technical faculty and cramming rule in the final examination. In Pakistan emphasize is given on quantity not on quality which will make things more worse for our future generation. Cramming is part and parcel of our academic calendar, students are asked to spoon feed the technical terms instead of perceiving their fundamental concept, emphasize is given on amount then on logic.

Over these years education department have hardly spend any funds on advance coaching of their faculty staff which still stuck in the old age teaching techniques and are unaware of modern methods of teaching and convincing students thorough sheer knowledge. We are on the verge of destruction and only factor which can build up our society is Education, so its our responsibility to work for betterment of our education reforms so that we lie up our self along western countries.