Hash Code Cracker v1.2.1- Peneteration Testing Tool

This password cracker was written in Java and is intended for Pen Testers and Security Professionals. Please Use this software for legal purposes(Testing the Password Strength).

This software will crack the MD5, SHA,NTLM(Windows Password),CISCO 7 hash codes.

No need to install.
Supports All platforms.

Download -
HashCodeCracker v121.jar - updated version
HashCodeCracker.zip  - older version

V1.2.1 Changelog

Online cracking support for SHA-256,SHA-384,SHA-512,CISCO7

"Cancel " button

GUI changed

Minimum Requirements

Operating system: Any OS.

Java Runtime Environment: JRE 1.6 should be installed.(you can get it from oracle.com)
How to run the software?

Download the "Hash Code Cracker v121.jar" file.

Method 1: Double click the jar file, it will automatically run with JRE.

Method 2: Open the Terminal and navigate to the jar file path.

Type this command "java -jar HashCodeCracker v121.jar".

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