How Dermatology Helps - Health - Skin Care

Although, in many cases, eczema begins in infancy, but it may sometimes stop when the child reaches at the age of five. There are also many cases where the state extends into the teens or adults. There are also other cases where the condition is an adult. This condition also known as atopic dermatitis and doesn't contain any cure in some cases, it disappears on its own. Others have breakouts for years and throughout their lives. With no absolute remedy available, people ask themselves questions like: How can dermatology help out? Can dermatology be a cure?.

The answer is very simple. Dermatology as you know is the treatment of various skin conditions. A dermatologist is specially trained and keeps abreast of the latest treatments, medicine and options for all conditions on the skin. While they may not be able to "cure" your eczema, they can help design a treatment plan that will alleviate the symptoms of eczema and to help reduce the frequency of escapes.

First diagnosis

The first thing your dermatologist should do is take a medical history of you and look at your rash. He or she may also perform tests to properly diagnose your condition. Keep in mind that there are conditions that can mimic the symptoms of eczema and dermatologists want to ensure that you are being treated for the condition on the right.

In some cases, if you have asthma, fever or other conditions, dermatologist may recommend you to consult an allergist. In many cases dealing with food allergies can not only reduce the frequency of your eczema, but your hay fever or asthma.


Once your dermatological treatment begins, it will not only consist of a form of treatment, but a comprehensive treatment plan that can incorporate elements such as changes in diet and lifestyle, recommending various creams the skin and the OTC topical and possibly antibiotics. In some cases, your doctor may even give you an injection or recommend a prescription medication to help relieve the symptoms.

They will also discuss with you the things you can do to help reduce your chances to get out and help in your own treatment. This may be to have you keep a food diary to see if certain foods trigger break-outs, changes in clothing and clothing materials and even exercises you can do to help lower stress levels.

Your dermatologist knows that any successful treatment of eczema is a team effort between you and them, and in some cases, other medical professionals. This means that they will discuss your treatment with you every step of the way and encourage you to be proactive in your treatment.

Eczema may not be a cure in the traditional sense, however, in many cases, your dermatologist and you can just keep all the other bursts occur.