Literacy Rate in Pakistan - Education

The literacy rate in Pakistan is divided into three regions in the cities, villages and tribal areas. The literacy rate in Pakistan has been increasing every year. Here are some points about literacy rate in Pakistan.

Pakistan Literacy Rate Literacy rate of 87% in Islamabad from 20% in the district of Kohlu. In the last period of Pakistanis in the 55-64 age group was the literacy rate of almost 30% of people aged 45 to 54 were the literacy rate of about 40% of those aged 25 to 34 knew 50% literate, while those aged 15 to 24 were literate in more than 60%. These data show that with each generation, literacy rate in Pakistan has increased by 10%. The literacy rate in the different regions, in particular by gender. In the tribal areas of literacy among women is 7.5%. In addition, English is rapidly spreading in Pakistan, with 18 million Pakistanis (11% of the population), which has authority over the English language that makes nine world ranking English-speaking nation and third in Asia. In addition, Pakistan produces about 445,000 graduates and 10,000 graduates of computer science than a year.

Economic Census is the main source of statistics on economic activities in the country. Establishments covered 3.249 million / households of which 64% were in Punjab, 18% in Punjab, 15% of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 2% in Balochistan and 1% in Islamabad. 44% of establishments were in rural areas and 56% lived in urban areas. 53% of establishments were in wholesale and retail, restaurants and hotels, 20% manufacturing, 22% in Community, Social and Personal Services Sector. This is the case of households just over 66% of households establishments engaged in production activities, about 9% in agriculture (poultry, fish and livestock) and about 21% in community and industry personal services and about 4% engaged in retail trade, hotels and restaurants.

Pakistan's literacy rate of 68% of total manufacturing industries covered in the Economic Census were in Punjab, 13% in Ontario and 16% in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. 2.851 million were such establishments employing 1.5 people, while 0.079 million jobs have a size of 6-10 people, about 26 000 establishments with 11-50 employees and 51 facilities with 1617 or above those employed . 97% of covered establishments were owned by individuals. Nearly 68% of manufacturing establishments in households engaged in textile apparel, clothing and leather industries. The census revealed that 2. 958 000 000 establishments had used 6580 million, 0.456 million of these were women, which is about 7% of total employment. Among women, 15% self-employed / owner or partner and 30% were unpaid family workers and the remaining 55% were salaried workers.

However, all were in vain as there was no improvement or insufficient in this respect Pakistan's literacy rate. A low literacy rate is the result even though such acts. From the start, education is the most neglected area and the situation did not improve despite the measures taken to educate people. There is even a large population who do not receive basic education. He was 15 years ago, the government allocated 2.6% of GDP for the advancement of education however, to add injury to insult, merely 1.8%

and the situation worsened.

Other developing countries like Turkey, they allocate most of its GDP to the Department of Education, Pakistan ignore this department. With such a serious attitude towards education, and there remains a shortage of well educated and skilled. Among the nations of SAARC, Pakistan is the sixth and ranked 159 among 174 countries in the world. According to an official government report, the literacy rate in Pakistan is 34% which is doubtful.

The lowest literacy rate is said to be a result of increased population, poverty and unemployment, yet can not be justified, since other countries like Vietnam, Combodia, India, Kenya etc, where the forward rate literacy was observed despite these factors. As another example, Sri Lanka, SAARC member nation has the same income year in Pakistan but has a 90% literacy rate. It is said that about 2 crore, 2 children still Lacs to register for the primary level. The current situation in the institution of education is worse than giving.

For instance public schools 54% of our population did not go to school. About 46% are enrolled in public schools. Most of these schools have very large installations, however, lacked the facilities of electricity, water and sanitation. Even some schools are still ghosts and no funds are used by authorized personnel. People dissatisfied with the situation as public schools can not admit their wards to private schools because the tuition fees are quite high compared to public schools.

Education has become a successful business and you can find a number of private schools located in the same area a short distance. These schools are opened in small cabins that are rented and not fit a normal school premise. Another drawback is that private schools are limited to urban areas and they have no presence in rural areas. Another remarkable point is that a good number of people are admitted to Madarsas, which are institutions of religious Islamic teachings. These teachings offer free, so there is inflation in everything, people find it a blessing in disguise.