MODSECURITY V-2.7.0 - Open Source Web Application Firewall

ModSecurity is a web application firewall that can work either embedded or as a reverse proxy. It provides protection from a range of attacks against web applications and allows for HTTP traffic monitoring, logging and real-time analysis.

changes version 2.7.0 :

  * Fixed Pause action should work as a disruptive action (MODSEC-297).
  * Fixed Problem loading mod_env variables in phase 2 (MODSEC-226).
  * Fixed Detect cookie v0 separator and use it for parsing (MODSEC-261).
  * Fixed Variable REMOTE_ADDR with wrong IP address in NGINX version (MODSEC-337).
  * Fixed Errors compiling NGINX version.
  * Added Include directive into standalone module. IIS and NGINX module should
    support Include directive like Apache2.
  * Added MULTIPART_INVALID_PART flag. Also used in rule id 200002 for multipart strict
  * Updated Reference Manual.

Download latest Version :
Microsoft IIS : ModSecurityIIS_2.7.0.msi (3.1 MB)
Apache : modsecurity-apache_2.7.0.tar.gz (1.0 MB)
Download other version |
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