Panic and Anxiety Treatment Options - Which One Is Right For You? - Health

For those of you that suffer from panic and anxiety attacks you know that you need to get treatment of some kind, but which treatment method is right for you?

There are several different panic and anxiety treatment options available, so let's get familiar with what they are so that you can get an idea of how each one works, and then hopefully be able to make an educated decision as to which one is going to be the best fit for you.


You can make an appointment with you local health care provider and see your family doctor, who will more than likely refer you to a specialist in the mental health field such as a psychologist or psycho-therapist.

Most family practice physicians will view your panic and anxiety related problem as a mental health issue and are not trained in that area of expertise and will likely refer you to a specialist in that area.

Once you get to the specialist, it may take several visits to identify that yes, you are suffering from panic and anxiety.

In most cases they will prescribe some sort of anti-depression medication or something similar. Then monitor your behavior after taking the medication for a while, make adjustments in the medication if needed and more follow-up appointments to monitor your progress.

If medication is not prescribed, then your may be referred to a specialist in something like; Hypnosis - Hypnotherapy or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, often referred to as (CBT).

The unfortunate thing about hypnosis or hypnotherapy is that many panic and anxiety suffers find it difficult if not impossible to relax enough to be hypnotized.

Additionally, most reputable hypnotic therapist won't accept panic and anxiety patients unless they are actively seeing a counselor or engaged in cognitive therapy.

In most cases these panic and anxiety treatment methods are a long process and very expensive. If you don't have health insurance that covers this cost, this type of treatment may be out of your financial reach.

Alternative Methods:

Believe it or not most of the alternative methods for treating panic and anxiety are not developed by actual doctors. In most cases they have been developed by former suffers.

However, it is interesting to see that many doctors and therapist are starting to take notice of these "alternative" methods and finding that they are sound and effective.

In fact some of these alternative panic and anxiety treatment options have even been showcased on shows like CNN, and Fox News Channels with doctors recommending them.

In general, these methods are quick and easy, meaning that you can control and totally get rid of your panic and anxiety in just days in many cases. Most all of these come with a guarantee stating that if it doesn't work for you, then you can get your money back.

I've never heard of a doctor or therapist offering that.

And the cost is usually in the range of those that don't have or can't afford medical insurance.