Refocused: Penetration Testing

Good Morning :] It's been awhile since I've posted to this blog, so let me fill you in. I've spent the last several months both setting up and attacking centralized servers and networks. I've implemented LDAP systems, web servers, databases, and pbxs, across multiple networks and security domains, gaining a wide gambit of network and server insight through the process. I've also spent a considerable amount of time scanning and exploiting networks and servers. Ladies and gentleman, we are about to dive deep down the rabbit hole, but I wanted to make sure we were all on the same page, first. This means we will need a common understanding of tools and the information derived. I've recently created several Katana USB tool suites, and I highly recommend doing the same for those that want to follow along, as I will be using these tools throughout future posts. This tool suite includes things such as the previously mentioned Kon-Boot and Backtrack. There are also tools I have yet to discus in this suite that we will cover in depth. You can find instructions and an image for Katana here. There are also some really good explanations of Katana by the creator, Ronin:

Feel free to ask question about setting up Katana in the comments section!!  I have experience extracting and installing the package, and am currently working on adding custom distros.