Replace Lilo Splash with Mayan Slackware 14.0

An interesting treasure are found in Slackware's lilo package, hidden along with other documentation files. It seems that Patrick had included the new Mayan bitmap file into lilo package, but it's not used by default. Thanks to Eric Hameleers who posted in LQ.

Here's how you change your LILO splash screen with Mayan Slackware 14.0:
  • su - (enter root password)
  • cp /usr/doc/lilo-23.2/sample/slack14.0.2012.bmp /boot
  • nano /etc/lilo.conf
  • Change this line
    • bitmap = /boot/slack.bmp
    • into
    • bitmap = /boot/slack14.0.2012.bmp
  • /sbin/lilo -v (make sure no errors)
  • reboot
You will find this nice lilo splash every time you boot your computer :)