Sql injection discover - GSICR Sql injection tool to discover vulnerabilities

gsicr-gsi0com_sql_injection_discover is a small tool that allows a single injection of sql code, if is successful the result is saved in a log

#   Author:james jara
#   Date:  26/08/2012
#   Version 0.1
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#   gsicr-gsi0com_sql_injection_discover is a small tool that allows a single inyection of sql code,
#   if is successful the result is saved in a log
#   Usage:
#   php gsi0.com_sql_injection_discover.php -i -e -t
//Please use as CLI

= new gsi0com_sql_injection_discover();
// Use this comodin {inyectme}  

Command-line access

Use this command to anonymously check out the latest project source code:

# Non-members may check out a read-only working copy anonymously over HTTP.
svn checkout http://sql-injection-discover.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ sql-injection-discover-read-only

Source -