xSQLScanner Version 1.6 - Advanced SQL Password Audit Tool

xSQL Scanner is a advanced SQL audit tool created by SeCToR-X (_sector_x@hackermail.com or rodrigomatuck@globo.com) that allow user find weak passwords and vulnerabilities over MS-SQL, My-SQL and PostgreSQL protocols.

Features of xSQL Scanner:

Vulnerability Audit options
Launch exploits:
MSSQL empty Password Exploit
MSSQL 7 DoS module
Test for weak passwords
Wordlist option
Userlist option
SQL Portscanner
Range IP Address audit and more

What's new in Version 1.6?

- Session bugs fixed;

- wordlists updated;
- PostgreSQL support added;
- SQL PortScan updated;
- Exceptions fixed;
- Progressbar bug fixed;
- MSSQL 7 DoS module added. 

Download - XSQL Scanner V1.6

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