18,000 Gram Panchayats Install Adobe Acrobat


18,000 Gram Panchayats Install Adobe Acrobat 
Adobe Systems Incorporated has announced that over 18,000 Gram Panchayats across Gujarat have installed Adobe Acrobat for the electronic issue of vital citizen certificates and other official documents under the E-Gram project. This project is collaboration between Adobe and the Panchayat Rural Housing and Rural Development Department, Government of Gujarat.
After a review process by the Gujarat Government, Adobe’s Acrobat software was selected for the E-Gram project, and deployed across more than 18,000 CSCs, making this the largest Acrobat implementation in India to date. Adobe has also provided training (live sessions and video-on-demand) for most of the Village Computer Entrepreneurs to transition from the old, paper-based system to the digital era ushered in by the project....See More