Civicom Conference Calling Service Provider Features List

Civicom Conference Calling Service Provider Features List

Civicom offers audio conferencing with extreme reliability and excellent service at the best value. Every feature you can imagine is available, including several unique to Civicom.

1. Dial-in
2. Operator-assisted
3. Dial-out
4. Email-enabled

Extreme Reliability - Arranging the schedules of senior executives for a conference call takes time, and failure is extremely embarrassing. This is why the Civicom platform is 100% redundant (n+n) across two automatically failed-over and geographically dispersed locations. Civicom has in excess of 99.95% uptime. We are the leader in client-driven, innovative technology.

Service Excellence - When you call us, you immediately reach a person, not a voice tree. You.ll be speaking with a professional who can address your question or request within 60 seconds. We offer consultative solutions, based on your specific needs. With Civicom, you receive personal attention. We make every customer feel like they are our only customer.

Flexible Billing Options

1. Master/Sub accounts. The master account pays for sub-accounts, which are fully functioning, independent accounts.

2. Overview/Linked accounts. The overview can see billing of linked accounts that pay their own bills.
3. Individual Accounts. Pay by invoice or credit card.

4. Online Billing. Detailed records are posted each morning—sorted by ID and downloadable. You can re-bill to your customers mid-month if you'd like. Pay by credit card, or we will send a paper invoice at a fee of $3.50 per invoice (there is no fee if there is no invoice for a particular month).
Master & Sub-accounts - For larger organizations, sub-accounts will allow individuals to sign in and manage their own account and live calls, while billing is elevated to a master account.

Widest Feature Set - We offer every feature in conferencing and several exclusive to Civicom:

1. Reservationless or operator assisted conferencing
2. Host pin's
3. Name request on entry with web-based retrieval of names (exclusive)
4. Name announce
5. Roll-call (unique and superior)
6. Moderator/participant codes
7. "Audibles," like cheers, applause, laughter, etc. (exclusive)
8. Live web-based call management with mute/unmute, drop one/all, and dial out
9. Recording with .wav file access through your online account
10. High-quality on-demand transcriptions (with 4-hour turnaround on request)
11. Client matter/accounting codes; verbal client matter/accounting codes (exclusive)
12. Customizable, "branded" greetings(unique)
13. Customizable hold music (exclusive)
14. Customizable entry/exit tones (exclusive)
15. Broadcast mode
16. Q&A facilitation
17. Polling and polling reports
18. Sub-conferencing
19. Carrier selection (exclusive)
20. Dial-out with custom greeting (exclusive)
21. Dial-out with or without requested response
22. The conference blaster (exclusive)
23. The dialer page (exclusive)
24. One-click calling (exclusive)