Features and Benefits of Online Web Conference Calling Solutions and Services

Features and Benefits of Online Web Conference Calling Solutions and Services

Online Web Conference Calling Solutions and Services are feature rich, easy to use and give users a complete collaboration experience.

Online Web Conference Calling Solutions and Services are available on-demand and accessible for immediate use, enabling you to get your message out to a widespread audience, quickly and easily, while helping to reduce travel costs to and from meetings. Live Customer Service operatives are available through the entire duration of your meeting to help troubleshoot any issues that may arise during your conference.

Features and Benefits of Online Web Conference Calling Solutions and Services

1. Meet online to review important documents instantly.
2. Meetings can be planned regardless of the attendee's technical environments (PC, Mac...).
3. Only a web browser required, no downloads needed (JVM, Applets, Flash Players...).
4. 100% of the invitees will enter the conference.
5. Customize the meetings with complete branding.
6. Instantly view real-time presentations.
7. The highest screen resolution available on the market.