Guide to Computer Hacking - Computers

Computer hacking is a process of accessing the computer intentionally without any kind of authorization. It modifies the programs on the system in order to accomplish a goal other than the original purpose of the computer. Cracking passwords, extracting important information stored, and decoding files are all part of the computer hacking process. Professionals who master this art are popularly known as hackers.

As the two sides of a coin, hacking also has its own pros and cons. In the present day competitive world, many companies hire hackers as an important part of their technical group to ensure security of their company's key essentials. In the business war there are many who try to extract important information and data of renowned companies through hacking. Therefore, it becomes really significant for companies to hire hackers. Such hackers are true technical buffs and take this job with a desire to master this art and get into the depth of computer technology. Some renowned hackers like Dennis Ritchie, Ken Thompson, and Shawn Fanning made significant contribution to constructive technological advancements. The innovations created by them like the UNIX operating system by Dennis-Ken and Napster by Shawn was a breakthrough in the computer industry. This positive side is truly beneficial to one and all.

On the other hand, computer hacking can be negative in many ways. There are hackers who play fraud and intrigues to various disparaging purposes like breaking security code to access unauthorized network, stealing personal information, altering financial data of a company, stealing significant business information, breaking computer security, extracting bank details of an individual, and enjoying unauthorized access to the system. Hacking can be more destructive if any kind of national security information or confidential government data is exposed. Apart from this there are many destructive activities a hacker can perform for his or her own benefit. This side of hacking is very gloomy and can lead to many computer-related crimes.

There are many ways that can be used to prevent the negative activities of hacking. The first and the most important way is to install an anti virus software that helps in blocking the way of hackers from uploading malicious files onto the system. Avoid using simple passwords for any important data stored on the system or for accessing online bank account. It is always recommended to use a combination of alphabets and numbers that is usually difficult for hackers to figure out. A password involving the name of an individual, name of the company, or any birth date can easily be decoded by hackers. Delete all kind of suspicious emails received through an unknown sender and also avoid using P2P file sharing software.

If used for a constructive purpose, computer hacking can be a blessing but when it approaches to destructive activities it is a curse. Everyone using a computer at home or office should be smart enough to take a wise judgment to ensure high levels of computer security.

For more information, check Computer Hacking.