How to Arrange Home Conference Calls?

How to Arrange Home Conference Calls?

Home conference calling made easy. You can arrange a conference call with your friends, co-workers or customers. Telecommuting and call conference services make arranging and conducting the call fairly easy. Before starting a conference call, always familiarize yourself with the call conferencing system you will use to make the call and outline the speaking points you wish to address during the call.


1. Sign up for a conference call service. Choose a service that offers a free training session, operator support and feature keys for greater control of the conference call. Ask to obtain a participant count, so you know how many callers participated in the home conference call.

2. Outline conference call guidelines. For example, it is common to ask callers to use a quiet room where children and spouses are not present. Callers should not multitask while on a home conference call. Ask callers to take notes if a call summary will not be provided later.

3. Provide callers with a dial-in number and access code, along with the date and time of the conference call.

4. Explain feature keys for the conference call. For example, you might explain that the feature key "*6" is used to mute an individual line or queue for questions at the end of the conference call.

5. Use moderator keys to control the home conference call. You can lock the conference call, mute and unmute lines, obtain a participant count and record conference calls. End the conference call when the meeting is over by pressing the appropriate moderator key.

Tips & Warnings

1. You can use a regular telephone line for a conference call, but if it doesn't have a conference call feature, you will have to use a conference call service.

2. Charges may apply when using a conference call feature.

3. Always provide an estimated call time for the home conference call.